
Thursday, December 9, 2010

Nevermind November!

Well All,

We are past the first week of December and I am horrified that once again, I seemed to have just let November pass us by and not reflect and report to you all the wonderous month it was.

Kevin and I both are nearing our moving out date from our humble abode here on 45th Ave, and are overwhelmed by the fact that we actully have to PACK things. How absurd! As we look around at the wall hangings, kitchen, our paintings, goal board, blue leather couch, we just assume this is home forever...right? Hardly. And so as this reality sets in we feel perhaps bothered that we can't just take it all with us, set it up exactly the same and keep living life from the 'safety' of our first home.

Kevin and I finally wrapped up our four-week teaching on Love and Respect toward the end of November and were granted the released to take the pulpit anytime in the future by our dear Pastor honor indeed!It was an awesome four weeks of working through a message that is so pertinent to any relationship and was exciting to share with otehrs and hear their experiences with the Love and Respect dynamic.

Being closely linked through spiritual adoption to Ernie and Merrilyn, and their American roots, we celebrated yet another thanksgiving on the 25th November...yum! We also had our dear friends Wayne and Marilyn up from the US for the weekend to teach a seminar and they gladly partook in the extravagant spread of turkey, baked potatoes, yams, sweet potato bake, stuffing, pumpkin pie, apple pie and icecream! I believe there were some greens in there somewhere.

During this month Kevin and i have also been actively participating in the making and rehersing of our church's Christmas Production. Kevin and I are playing Mary and Joseph! But are not the lead's a humble change for two lively entertainers who naturally want to take center stage, yet we both find it refreshing to step back and let others embrace their talents and enjoy something we have had ample time to experience.

Somewhere in all of this, Vancouver was hit with a cold snap and its first snowfall. Temperatures dropped to below -10 and Rax and myself were very unimpressed with the abruptness of climate change. Our space heaters were on max heat and I learned new techniques for keeping warm, three pairs of socks, 4 layers, and beanies. Or touques, whatever it is you call them.

We got a quick yet special visit, from Dad Friesen in November and low and behold, the burly woodsman and hunter that he is, he discovered that you could sharpen knives on 5000 year old marble from the Acropolis. It was quite the discovery for all of us Friesen's as we sat aorund our coffee table sharpening kitchen knives.

And I am pleased to say that November also boasts a new accomplishment with our documentary, Paths of Dust and Hope.We now have a 20 page script to begin working from in order to weave together a story. Not long to go now folks!

So the end to yet another month here in chilly Vancouver, and as December is well on the way, we will be rugging up even more preparing for Christmas and leaving our home. The adventure begins!

Love to you all, keep warm or cool, whichever continent you reside and know you are blessed.

Kev and Ames