Hi All,
January has been a fast paced and fairly uneventful month in some regards.
We have been adjusting to communal life here at the Culley's, and apart from Kevin eating all the 'Life' Cereal that Ernie brought for himself, we have been quite the model of harmonious community living!
Working hard has been the priority for both of us. Kevin has been working full-time and also picked up two side jobs for us in construction. The latter was a demolition of a fireplace at Tenth church which proved quite laborious for Amy, who got to haul big-ass pieces of rock and debris out to the dumpster. But I don't have a gym membership and well, my triceps and biceps will thank me later! Financially these extra jobs have been a blessing toward our school fees as well.
Three highlights of this month have been:
1) Seeing Wayne and Marilyn mid-month for a RTF seminar and going out to dinner.
2) Celebrating Ernie's Birthday with him at Minoas Greek Restaurant - great great food!
3) Spending the weekend at Bernie and Rusty's and chilling out excessively - so needed.
Oh, and I guess number 4) Missions Fest film Festival - A bunch of us went to see the film Freedom Fighter - oh it was brilliantly eye-opening and informative. We really have it too good here in Canada and other western nations. The film focuses on one man who is risking his life to help persecuted people and minority groups around the world. Here's the link if yo wanted to check it out: http://www.theonemillionvoices.org/videos/
PODAH Update
As it stands, Greg, Kevin and myself have been plugging away at our documentary filmed in 2007 Mozambique. We are closer to being finished which as I speak is soooo exciting, yet with the pressure to try and do it all before Kevin and I leave - it seems still a lot of work is left.
However we are faithfully continuing and with hope that it may be very close to completion before we leave. One of the exciting things Amy has been working on is the score, with surprising results coming out of the Mac application Garage Band - the music is part of new inspiration the three of us are working with to finish Paths of Dust and Hope.
Until Feb...
Love and hugs,
K and A