We Graduated! |
Greetings To One and All!
The Friesen's are smack bang in the middle of great transition. Three weeks ago we left our humble abode in the School of Ministry, Room 210 for the greater life of couch surfing and working.
It has been a brilliant time at the CTF, learning, growing, interning and building valuable relationships. We are sad to leave but excited to move on to the great unknown. What will be next in these next few years as we embark to the Land Down-under?!
Colours and Balls = Fun! |
One of the things that really struck me about leaving was the amazing amount of people that had come around us and loved us and helped us as a new family. Everyone from the grandma and grandpa's in our community to the emerging young adults and students who have loved and been Izzy's playmates and our friends. Life as Israel knows it with 60 students ambling around her 'home' is about and has been changing. This has definitely made me sad. Yet I know that where we are going will bring about new and wonderful friends and playmates for our social butterfly.
We have been blessed as a family to have been invited to come and stay at two families homes while Kevin renovates their bathrooms and kitchen. We serve an amazing God who has provided so many wonderful opportunities and blessed us immensely on this journey of school and interning and now when we need to move our family across the other side of the world, he has yet again provided most awesome opportunities for work and enjoying friendships one last time here in Toronto. We are so grateful.
In other exciting news, we are expecting our newest baby Friesen in August!
It has been a very brand new experience being pregnant with a keen toddler on the move - and I, Amy, empathize with the mom's out there now with a handful of munchkins. Life is going to get even more colourful and we love it!
Our Winter Wonderland |
Kevin has now received his permanent residence for Australia, which means our move there is now definite. We are looking to leave the country from Vancouver around mid April. Israel has also gotten her dual citizenship so she will be travelling on her Aussie passport. Our international brood is ready for take-off!
For those on the westcoast, we will see you soon and for those in Australia, soon after that and for those in the snowy Toronto regions - we will farewell you over the next two weeks.
Love to hear how y'all doing.....
Be blessed and fruitful!
Kevin, Amy, Israel and Friesen Jnr