Hello All!
We have been back for three weeks from our outreach to Cambodia, and although not completely anchored, are enjoying our temporary stay at the Island Breeze YWAM base in Western Sydney. A fun way to transition back into the buzz and grind of Sydney life. Shout out to the M7 motorway for connecting us to our northside peoples!
We have talked often and fondly of our time in Cambodia since being back and it's a good indication that this little nation has won a piece of our heart. It has been an invaluable experience as a family being pressure-cooked in tight living quarters (actually that's still happening), in a foreign culture for an extended period of time that causes you to wonder, could I do this long-term? What would I need to effectively survive here and minister to the local people, how could I influence change for a greater good and partner with people to raise up a developing nation? All really good questions that Kevin and I have only the beginnings of answers to. We look forward to sharing more on this as the ideas and dreams unfold!
Below are some pics of our time and although it's not all of it, it reflects some of what we got to experience.
Thank you for your love, support and encouragement as we ventured out there in this crazy season of life,
High fives all round,
The Friesen's
The People
Bananas for sale!
This woman rocks! Te cooking for the village kiddos.
Our team and kiddos at work with Village Kids Outreach |
Always laughing with Mr Rich! |
Beloved Grandma Ang
Cambodian generations, a rare and beautiful thing
The beauty we find...Mama and son at one of the villages we visit
Our local laundry ladies
Master of the Water Cow.
Our amazing tuk tuk drivers!
Village Life
Rice fields and village farmland
Known as a "water cow"....working the rice fields
One of the best ways around the villages
This is Aunty Jill's photographic gold!
Local farm cows, or on the side of the road cows.
The famous and construction defying Floating Villages
Buddies on a mission - Judah and Dan visiting floating villages
Uncle Al, photographing on the boat deck.
Daily Life
Our little urban district of Siem Reap
Rainy days bring flooded streets
Time-out. Reflect. Reset. At Sister Srey cafe.
Oh my! Tuk tuk drivers are young around here!
Visiting local churches - Freedom Centre we love you!
The makings of a film project
Izzy's toothpick art - ways we pass time at restaurants.
Final days at our fave Vibe vegan cafe
Things you see around town! Feet-nibbling fish.
Grocery shopping at Lucky Mall
Judah at Angkor Wat balancing on ancient stones
Happy Daddy with his Go Pro at Ta Prohm
Love spontaneous happy snaps!
Visiting the Landmine Museum
I loved capturing this authentic smile moment from our girl.
The rascals! Temple town locals.
Breastfeeding at Angkor Wat....what?
Family of Temple Trekkers!