We decided to take a little 'time-off' from blogging for the summer, seeing as we have been travelling all over the country (literally) and do one update for the last two months.
This summer has held quite the high's and low's for us as a family and we are both in much need of some reeeeeesssssst before we hit Toronto again for school.
Sadly and tragically this summer, my (Amy's) sister-in-law, Lisa passed away suddenly, due to a combination of heart failure and an undetectable tumour behind her kidney. Left behind to figure out life without her, is my brother Ashley and their three beautiful children - Taylor 14, Madison 11 and Brody 8. After a recent conversation with my brother he has shared that it's 'one day at a time' and keeping life as normal as possible, because that's how Lisa would have wanted it. There were 600 people at her funeral, a clear indication she was a woman who left a legacy. We love you Lisa. You will be so dearly missed.
Now for other news...
This summer began with a jump start into some R&R in Alberta and Saskatchewan. We attended cousin Burke's wedding in Edmonton and had a blast connecting with the Nagle (Mom's) side of the family. Following the wedding we toured Saskatchewan to see the Friesen (Dad's) clan and I (Amy) got to meet a few Friesen's I had not yet met! We had a great time at Jeanette lake with Uncle Merlyn and Aunty Elna - we even went fishing for our dinner and Kevin and I caught our first official fish. Kevin outdid himself by gutting, cleaning and EATING his catch - truly impressive for a non-fish eater! We then spent a few days at Middle Lake to visit Uncle Kenton's family and hang out with the kids.
Upon arriving in Vancouver we were greeted by some wonderful and missed friends whom we were able to briefly catch up with before heading back on the road again States bound for California and Washington. WE spent an amazing time in both states with dear friends and were so blessed to have the opportunity to work and play.
Back in Vancouver for the second time around, Kev and I both plugged into our old jobs to continue compiling school funds and baby funds for the little one on the way, due in December. We've enjoyed some great moments with our church community and friends throughout this time and even a surprise visit from a dear friend Jess, all the way from Greece.
Our last trip on the road took us to Kamploops and Vernon to spend a short but quality time with Dad Friesen and friends Marky and Heather and Greg who popped up to the lake for his 40th. Happy Birthday Greg!!! We love you.
As our time here nears to an end, goodbye's are again difficult, yet we feel a fresh sense of anticipation for the second season of school to come, and of course parenthood!
We send our love and blessings to you all and hope your summer's have been a time of rest and play and sweet memories.
The next update will be back in Toronto once school is underway and we have 'settled' again.
Kevin and Amy
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